Movies and TV
NFT Marketplace

Polkastream Studios is building an integrated and intelligently monetized platform for the over-the-top (OTT) streaming and Metaverse gaming market. On the Polkastream platform, users can listen to music and podcasts, watch movies and TV shows, as well as socialize and play over 40 games in the Polkaverse.

The full Polkaverse multiplayer version is scheduled to release in the third quarter of 2024, making this blazing hot Metaverse a play-to-earn (P2E) game through the P1 NFT Race and other incredible social and gaming activities. Polkaverse 2.0.0 (PKV200) will reward users with the PSTR token, which is uniquely designed with incentivization and token-burning strategies for better rewards, long-term crypto market stability, and data security for all digital media users. Learn more about this innovative Web 3.0 streaming and gaming protocol here.

Polkastream Studios is building an integrated and intelligently monetized platform for the over-the-top (OTT) streaming and Metaverse gaming market. On the Polkastream platform, users can listen to music and podcasts, watch movies and TV shows, as well as socialize and play over 40 games in the Polkaverse.

The full Polkaverse multiplayer version is scheduled to release in the third quarter of 2024, making this blazing hot Metaverse a play-to-earn (P2E) game through the P1 NFT Race and other incredible social and gaming activities. Polkaverse 2.0.0 (PKV200) will reward users with the PSTR token, which is uniquely designed with incentivization and token-burning strategies for better rewards, long-term crypto market stability, and data security for all digital media users. Learn more about this innovative Web 3.0 streaming and gaming protocol here.

AAV Rewards

15% of the PSTR tokens are allocated to reward Polkastreamers for listening to their favorite music and podcasts, watching epic movies and TV shows, as well as socializing and playing over 40 games in our polkaverse.app Metaverse. Polkastream's Active Audio and Video Rewards (AAVR) program benefits both users and platform contrinbuters. Therefore, the remaining 15% PSTR supply is allocated to musicians, podcasters, game developers/studios, and other artists.

Staking Rewards

Early PSTR investors can earn up to an impressive 119% staking APY for 90 days, 180 days, 270 days, or 360 days of staking their PSTR tokens via staking.polkastream.io (PLEASE ALWAYS CHECK URL).

Community Rewards

5% of the PSTR supply is allocated to a wide range of fun and productive community activity airdrops and incentives to continue growing the Polkastream userbase on all social media platforms. There are currently a series of ongoing PSTR airdrops on the Polkastream Discord Server, including for user referrals.

Operations and Marketing

18% of the PSTR tokens are allocated toward platform development and maintenance, PSTR listing on many reputable exchanges, marketing, public relations (PR), Polkastream Decentralized Autonomous Organization (PDAO) operations, Polkadot Substrate technology cost, and legal services. This allocation is only used when/where all protocol revenue streams have been exhausted.


1% PSTR supply is allocated to Centralized Exchange (CEX) and Decentralized Exchange (DEX) liquidities immediately after the PSTR Token Generation Event (TGE), which a Tier 1 market maker will manage. The remaining 7% will be utilized and released every month as needed.

Protocol Funding

18% of the PSTR tokens are offered to investors who enable the creation and launch of the Polkastream protocol in the Early Backers, Presale, and Public Sale rounds. Here is the PSTR Tokenomics sheet for more information. For all investment opportunities, please email the team at info@polkastream.io.

Team and Advisors

10% of the PSTR tokens are allocated to the Polkastream team, which includes advanced developers, as well as marketing, business management, community development, and legal executives. The remaining 5% of PSTR supply is allocated to a diverse group of advisors who assist the team during the pre-launch, launch, and post-launch phases. All of these tokens are locked for 180 days, followed by 1% of the total allocation unlocking once every 30 days.

Polkastream Studios

The in-house game design, branding, and video production company that develops and maintains Polkastream and Polkaverse. It is also established to develop other lucrative projects in collaboration with ParaVentures for an in-brand revenue source.

Metaverse 3D gaming world design and development like the Polkaverse, on top of which other developers can develop games and thrive to their fullest potential.

All services from the ground up to transform concepts into effective, memorable, distinctive, and well-branded companies.

Production of marketing videos, music, documentaries, original series, films, and more content exclusively for the Polkastream TV.

  • This page is intentionally left blank (◕_>)
  • Polkastream concept generated
  • Team formed comprising advanced developers and blockchain, marketing, business management, and legal executives
  • Polkastream LLC formed
  • Legal steps and protocol guiding documents completed
  • Website launched
  • Telegram concept and implementation channels established
  • Polkastream Decentralized Autonomous Organization (PDAO) community recruitment and training initiated
  • Discord streaming and gaming community established
  • Polkastream Studios team expanded to 30+ members including for the Polkaverse Unreal Engine
  • Marketing and partnership efforts started
  • Userbase across all socials increased to over 20,000 members
  • Proof of Concept (PoC) platform development started
  • Marketing and partnership efforts continued
  • PoC validated with active PSTR, NFT, and other crypto rewards
  • Polkaverse and NFT Marketplace design documents completed and development started
  • Marketing and partnership efforts continued
  • PSTR smart contract coded and tested
  • Polkaverse and NFT Marketplace development continued
  • Marketing and partnership efforts continued
  • PSTR smart contract audited and deployed
  • Polkaverse and NFT Marketplace development continued
  • Marketing and partnership efforts continued
  • Polkastream Decentralized Autonomous Organization (PDAO) established with over 50 initial members operational across the ecosystem
  • Polkaverse and NFT Marketplace development continued
  • Marketing and partnership efforts continued
  • Polkaverse 1.0.0 (PKV100) released as a demo at polkaverse.app
  • Polkaverse 1.1.0 (PKV110) upgrade released fixing PKV100 bugs and adding new features
  • NFT Marketplace development continued
  • Marketing and partnership efforts continued
  • AI bot system servicing and managing the Polkastream Community on Discord, Telegram, and X developed and integrated
  • Polkaverse 2.0.0 (PKV200) development started making the Metaverse a multiplayer play-to-earn game
  • NFT Marketplace development continued
  • Marketing and partnership efforts continued
  • Polkaverse 2.0.0 (PKV200) and NFT Marketplace development continued
  • OTT platform (music, podcasts, movies and TV) development started
  • Marketing and partnership efforts continued
  • PSTR staking platform at staking.polkastream.io developed
  • Polkastream streaming, gaming, and investement DAO community curation IDO rounds started
  • PKV200 and NFT Marketplace development continued
  • OTT platform development continued
  • Marketing and partnership efforts continued
  • The PKV200 multiplayer version released at polkaverse.app featuring the P1 NFT Race plus four other play-to-earn games
  • PDAO community curation IDO rounds concluded
  • Presale and Public Sale concluded, followed by PSTR listed on CEXs and DEXs
  • OTT platform development continued
  • Marketing and partnership efforts continued
  • PSTR Token Generation Event (TGE) airdrops distributed
  • Polkaverse NFT asset collection released on nfts.polkastream.io, OpenSea, and other marketplaces
  • The Polkaverse subsequent version development continued
  • OTT platform development continued
  • Marketing and partnership efforts continued







Full security and tokenomics audit report available here